Patient Advice
Plantar fasciitis
​The pain occurs especially in the morning upon waking or after a period of rest. ​
What to do to cure a plantar fasciitis? Here are some tips
Wear custom molded podiatric orthotics (if there is a preventable biomechanical cause determined by your podiatrist)
Temporarily reduce activities (rest)
Wear good, supportive shoes (running sneakers, Birkenstock sandals, etc.)
Stretching (see activities) and massages (arch massage with a ball)
Professional physiotherapy (including shockwave and LASER)
To help symptoms: ice, anti-inflammatories, cortisone infiltration
Calf stretches on the stairs Wearing shoes, legs and back straight, both feet together, tilt the back half of the feet downward. Stay in a stretched position for 1 minute, repeat 3 times.
Calf stretches against the wall
Facing a wall, move one leg back. Keep your heel firmly on the ground and that knee unbent.
Lean the body forward.
Stay in a stretched position for 1 minute, repeat 3 times.